I just posted some pics of my stamping room that is under construction like everything else in my life. But it is my spot to be creative, to create, to stamp with friends and have fun:) Everybody needs there spot. For me it used to be the kitchen table with my supplies in a box. But hey it worked for me at the time:) Hope you like the pictures. When I finish more of the room I will post more.
Actually, and who can say no to this question, wouldn't love to have Shelli Gardner's stamping room?? Right. I was just reading about it and saw pictures in the "Where Women Create" magazine from Winter 2009. If you haven't seen the photos - WOW! The room is beautiful!!! If I had it all I woud do all day is sit in it and create myself. But Shelli did start 20 years ago in her living room right?? We all need to start somewhere. She truly inspires me:) Hope everyone is inspired by something:) For me it just happens to be Shelli and Stampin' Up.
Happy Creating, Stamping and being inspired!!
Good start on your blog. Folloiwng through SC; follow me, too!